This time I will share 5 Absolutely Best Alternate Picking Exercise Audio, Tabs & Guitar Pro Tabs.
Keep practicing and practice precisely, speed selection is probably the most important technique that you need to be mastered if you want to be a great with shredding or guitar solos.
Exercise 1 – Malmsteen Style 1 String Run
This one is a great guitar picking Exercise for intermediate Players. Malmsteen often use this type of phrasing.
Here is the tab for Ex-1

Exercise 2: Arpeggio Style Lick
This one is actually from Burn by deep purple. A great exercise for this series.
Listen to the lick:
Here is the tab for this exercise:

Exercise 3: A neo classical style practice
It was a song from Vinnie Moore but unfortunately I cant remember the name :D Very fast lick but a great one.
Listen to the lick here :
Here is the tab for this:

Exercise 4: Multiple Key Changes
This one is my most favorite one. And I used to practice this as legato exercise as well.
Listen here:
Here is the tab for this:

Download the tab from here:
Exercise 5: On multiple Strings
This one need to play carefully, also a homework for you, try to figure out the chords behind this lick and play over that.
Here is the tab for this lick:

Download the guitar pro tab here:
Also check: 5 Guitar Licks For Shredders (With Guitar Tab)
I am already started working on Part 2 Of picking alternate guitar practice Series. Please follow our fb page so you can always notified about new posts. If you have any request of any kind of exercise let me know in comment section.