Chord Scale is very much important to understand for every musician however I saw a lot of musician don’t have any idea about this. Today we will talk about Major Chord Scale In Detail.
If you can figure out the home chord of a song, in 90% songs you will see other chord within other 6 chord of the chord scale
What is Chord Scale?
A chord scale is a collection of chords that are built from a particular scale, for example, a C major chord scale would include chords built from the notes of the C major scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B)
The chords in a chord scale can be derived using a specific formula, such as taking every other note of the scale to form a triad (a chord made up of three notes), or using more complex chord structures.
Major chord scales:
These are built from major scales. The notes of a Major scale are arranged in a specific pattern of whole and half steps, also known as W-W-H-W-W-W-H And This follows as following : Major – Minor – Minor – Major – Major – Minor – Diminished – Major
C Major Chord Scale:

C# Major Chord Scale:

D Major Chord Scale:

D# Major Chord Scale:

E Major Chord Scale:

F Major Chord Scale:

F# Major Chord Scale:

G Major Chord Scale:

G# Major Chord Scale:

A Major Chord Scale:

A# Major Chord Scale:

B Major Chord Scale:

We will discuss about Minor, Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor Chord Scales in our future posts.
Minor Chord Scales Coming Soon!!
Also check: Minor Chord Scale
Dominant 7th Chord Chart & Theory
Complete Guide to All Guitar Scales: Master Every Scale on the Fretboard
10 Diffrent Shapes / Position For A major Scale & Theory
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