Category Archives: String Skipping Exercises

Improve your guitar technique with our string skipping exercises. Learn how to play fast and fluid runs by skipping strings, and add a new level of virtuosity to your guitar playing.

String Skipping Lesson

6 String Skipping Lessons From Frank Gamble With Tab

These amazing string skipping Lessons are from The Master Frank Gamble’s Chop Builders Part 7. String skipping is a technique used in guitar playing where you intentionally skip strings to create unique melodic patterns and licks.

Frank Gamble is a renowned guitarist and instructor known for his mastery of string skipping and other advanced techniques.

His lesson series, “Chop Builders,” provides comprehensive exercises and drills designed to improve technical proficiency and dexterity on the guitar, making it a valuable resource for aspiring guitarists.

Lesson 1 : A Minor And E Minor Pentatonics

This String skipping lessons is on Aminor and Eminor pentatonics. Here is the lesson in original speed:

Half Speed:

Here is the tab for Lesson 1:

Frank Gamble Lesson

Lesson 2 : Arpeggios in key of E minor

Original Speed:

Half Speed:


String Skipping Lesson

Lesson 3 : Arpeggios in key of A Major

Original Speed:

Half Speed:


Frank Gamble lesson

Lesson 4 : A and E minor Pentatonics

Original Speed:

Half Speed:


String Skipping Lesson

Lesson 5 : Root, 5th and 10th Skipping

Half Speed:


String Skipping Lesson

Lesson 6 : A Harmonic Minor

Original speed:

Half Speed:


String Skipping Lesson

How to master in String Skipping

  • Start with simple patterns: Begin by practicing string skipping with basic patterns, such as skipping one string at a time. This will help you get comfortable with the technique and build a solid foundation.
  • Gradually increase difficulty: Once you feel confident with the basics, gradually increase the complexity of the patterns by skipping more strings and incorporating different intervals. This will challenge your coordination and finger dexterity.
  • Focus on accuracy and timing: Precision is key in string skipping. Pay attention to clean and clear note articulation, ensuring that each note rings out clearly. Additionally, practice with a metronome to develop a strong sense of timing and rhythm.
  • Use alternate picking: Alternate picking is highly effective for string skipping. Practice using both downstrokes and upstrokes evenly to achieve a smooth and controlled sound.
  • Break it down: If you’re struggling with a specific string skipping lick or phrase, break it down into smaller sections and practice them individually. Gradually merge the sections together as you become more comfortable.
  • Experiment with different musical styles: String skipping can be utilized across various genres. Explore different styles, such as rock, jazz, or country, to expand your repertoire and creative possibilities.
  • Record yourself: Recording your practice sessions can provide valuable feedback. Listen back to identify any areas that need improvement and track your progress over time.
  • Be patient and consistent: Mastering string skipping takes time and dedication. Stay patient, practice regularly, and gradually increase the difficulty level. With consistent effort, you’ll see improvement and become proficient in this technique.

Also check:

7 string skipping exercises With Guitar Pro Tabs

Paul Gilbert Lesson – 12 Lesson From Terrifying Guitar Trip With Tabs

Guitar Dynamics lesson

5 Guitar Dynamics Lesson – Increase Dynamics In Your Playing

Guitar dynamics refer to the varying levels of volume and expression that a guitarist uses to create a more interesting and engaging musical performance. It involves using techniques such as varying pick attacks, fingerpicking, palm muting, adjusting volume and tone controls, and playing with feeling to create a range of tones and emotions in the music. Dynamics are an essential aspect of guitar playing, as they can add depth and interest to a performance and help to convey the emotion and intention behind the music. In todays lesson we covered 5 Really useful Guitar Dynamics Lesson.

How To Increase Dynamics in your guitar playing:

To increase dynamics in your guitar playing, you can try the following techniques:

  1. Use different pick attacks: Varying your pick attack can create different levels of volume and intensity. Experiment with using different pick angles, pressure, and speed to create different sounds.
  2. Practice fingerpicking: Fingerpicking allows for a greater range of dynamics compared to using a pick. Use your fingers to pluck the strings with varying degrees of force to create a wider range of volume and tone.
  3. Utilize palm muting: Palm muting involves lightly resting the palm of your picking hand on the strings near the bridge to reduce the sustain and create a muted, percussive sound. Varying the amount of pressure can create different levels of dynamics.
  4. Experiment with your guitar’s volume and tone controls: Adjusting your guitar’s volume and tone controls can also create different levels of dynamics. Experiment with turning the volume up or down, and adjusting the tone to find the sweet spot for your desired sound.
  5. Practice playing with feeling: Dynamics are not just about volume, but also about expression. Practice playing with feeling, using vibrato, bends, slides, and other techniques to convey emotion in your playing.

Remember that dynamics are not just about playing loud or soft, but about using a range of volumes and expression to create a more interesting and dynamic musical experience. Practice these techniques regularly, and experiment with different combinations to find the right balance for your playing style.

Guitar Dynamic Lesson 1

Listen the lesson here:

Same lesson in Half Speed:

Here is the tab:

Guitar Dynamic Lesson 2

Here is the Audio for lesson 2:

Lesson 2 in half speed:

Here is tab for Dynamics lesson 2:

Guitar Dynamic Lesson 3

This lesson is a lick from Dream Theater Pull Me Under. A great Lesson for Dynamics.

Audio for lesson 3:

Lesson 3 in half speed:

Guitar Dynamic Lesson 4

Audio for Lesson 4:

In Half Speed:


Guitar Dynamics Lesson from Marty Friedman

Guitar Dynamics Lesson 5

Here is the final one and the hardest one. Another one from John Petrucci..


In Half Speed:
Guitar Dynamics Lesson from John Petrucci

Also check:

5 Best James Hetfield Down Picking Riff Exercise With Tabs

Guitar Speed Lesson: Unveiling the Art of Speed Picking with John Petrucci

Brazilian Rhythm: Bossanova Guitar Lesson with Tabs

string skipping exercises

7 string skipping exercises With Guitar Pro Tabs

What Is String Skipping?

String Skipping is simply playing notes on non-adjacent strings. Usually, guitarists play linearly or in a straight fashion, while in string skipping we jump over the stings or simply skip a string. This need a very high level synchronisation between left hand and right hand.

String Skipping Tips:

  • I would say string skipping is an advanced-level technique because players need excellent coordination between 2 hands, so the first thing that you need to fix is sync between hands.
  •  And even before that, I would suggest learning the notes first, and memorizing them well so you can focus on your picking hand.
  •  Start slowly and off-course use Metronome.

String Skipping Exercises

In this lesson we will learn 7 very Effective exercises and i am sure if you master on them, You will be able to create your own String skipping licks and will be able to use them in your own compositions. Good Luck!!

Exercise 1: Yngwie Malmsteen Style / Neo Classical

A very fast lick, Malmsteen often this type of phrasing with String skipping. Practice slowly like 70BPM and gradually increase speed once you memorized all notes.
Yngwie Malmsteen Style / Neo Classical String Skipping Lick

Here is the tab for this:

Yngwie Malmsteen Guitar Lesson

Exercise 2: Paul Gilbert Style Legato String Skipping

Paul Gilbert is one of the most notable Legato & String Skipping player. In this lick we will use both technique.

Listen the lick here:
Paul Gilbert Style Legato String Skipping Lick


Paul Gilbert Guitar Lesson

Exercise 3: An Organized String skipping lick

A big lick with full of skippings. Play slowly with metronome.

Listen the lick here:
An Organized String skipping lick


Shredding Exercises

Exercise 4: 2 String Pattern Ascending

Listen The Exercise here:
2 String Pattern Ascending


Shredding Exercises

Exercise 5: 2 String Pattern Descending

Listen the lesson here:
2 String Pattern Descending


String Skipping Exercises

Exercise 6: Chromatic Diminished Pattern With Lots of Legatos (Ascending and Descending)

Lots Of Legatos here. Probably Hardest one.

Ascending Tab:

String Skipping Exercises

Descending Tab:

String Skipping Exercises

Exercise 7: 4 G Major Lick

A big lick in G major with lots of string skipping. Total 4 Pattern in this lick
G Major String Skipping Lick


String Skipping Exercises