What Is String Skipping?
String Skipping is simply playing notes on non-adjacent strings. Usually, guitarists play linearly or in a straight fashion, while in string skipping we jump over the stings or simply skip a string. This need a very high level synchronisation between left hand and right hand.
String Skipping Tips:
- I would say string skipping is an advanced-level technique because players need excellent coordination between 2 hands, so the first thing that you need to fix is sync between hands.
- And even before that, I would suggest learning the notes first, and memorizing them well so you can focus on your picking hand.
- Start slowly and off-course use Metronome.
String Skipping Exercises
In this lesson we will learn 7 very Effective exercises and i am sure if you master on them, You will be able to create your own String skipping licks and will be able to use them in your own compositions. Good Luck!!
Exercise 1: Yngwie Malmsteen Style / Neo Classical
A very fast lick, Malmsteen often this type of phrasing with String skipping. Practice slowly like 70BPM and gradually increase speed once you memorized all notes.
Here is the tab for this:

Exercise 2: Paul Gilbert Style Legato String Skipping
Paul Gilbert is one of the most notable Legato & String Skipping player. In this lick we will use both technique.
Listen the lick here:

Exercise 3: An Organized String skipping lick
A big lick with full of skippings. Play slowly with metronome.
Listen the lick here:

Exercise 4: 2 String Pattern Ascending
Listen The Exercise here:

Exercise 5: 2 String Pattern Descending
Listen the lesson here:

Exercise 6: Chromatic Diminished Pattern With Lots of Legatos (Ascending and Descending)
Lots Of Legatos here. Probably Hardest one.
Ascending Tab:

Descending Tab:

Exercise 7: 4 G Major Lick
A big lick in G major with lots of string skipping. Total 4 Pattern in this lick